St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学


Dr. 希尔凝视着一个扩展超十二面体的Zometool模型

Zometool 一个Math上精确的塑料结构是用来建造无数几何结构的吗, from simple polygons to Platonic solids, from models of DNA molecules to geodesic domes, from “shadows” of four-dimensional figures to works of Art. It is also a fantastic educational tool, 因为它促进了Math发现,同时释放了创造力. 本页提供了关于Zometool的简要Introduction和不断增长的资源集合. Comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome! 请联系 Dr. 克里斯。希尔.

关于我的: I'm a Zometool enthusiast (a.k.a. a 佐莫). I love building with it and using it as a teaching tool. 我已经举办了几个ZometoolWorkshops,并为中学生和高中生举办了“谷仓饲养”活动,我正在寻找机会做更多的事情.


Close-up of a Zometool ball with connecting struts

This section provides an overview of how Zometool "works.然而,在使用Zometool之前,没有必要知道这些信息. Zometool is exceedingly user-friendly.

Zometool有两种类型的部件:圆形连接器球和彩色编码支柱. 每个连接器球有62个孔:30个矩形孔,20个三角形孔,12个五边形孔. 支柱的颜色表示它们将被装入球的哪个孔. Blue struts fit into the rectangular holes, 黄色的 struts fit into the triangular holes, 红色支柱和绿色支柱都适合五边形的洞. 然而, 绿色支柱具有两个弯曲,这使得它与红色支柱指向不同的方向. A connector ball allows for construction in 92 different directions.

Each color of strut comes in short, medium, and long sizes. Red struts also come in an even shorter “hypershort” size. 对于每种颜色的支柱, 一种尺寸的支柱与下一种尺寸的支柱之间的长度之比(如果有的话)是 黄金比例,大约是1.618. (For computing such ratios, “支杆的长度”等于支杆一端的节点中间到另一端节点中间的距离.) An elegant consequence of this fact is that for each color, 长支柱的长度等于连接短支柱的中支柱的长度. In brief, a long equals a medium plus a short. Similarly, in red, a medium equals a short plus a hypershort.

不同类型的结构需要不同类型的支撑. 例如,a 常规的十二面体 can be built with blue struts of the same size, a 菱形十二面体 with 黄色的 struts of the same size, a 菱形triacontahedron with red struts of the same size, a 正四面体 with green struts of the same size, 还有更复杂的结构,各种类型和尺寸的组合.

To make it easier to specify pArts for a project, 支柱输入“蓝色”,”“黄,”“红," and "green" are abbreviated "B," "Y," "R,和“G”," and the strut sizes "hypershort,”“短,”“中," and "long" are denoted "00," "0," "1,和2,”分别. 例如, 一个长长的蓝色支柱是B2, a medium 黄色的 strut is a Y1, a short green strut is a G0, and a hypershort red strut is an R00.

2011年之前, Zometool提供蓝色, 黄色的, 3号的红色支柱比2号的长,是黄金比例的一倍. Per the comments about the 黄金比例 above, 在给定的颜色中, 3号支柱与连接1号支柱的2号支柱具有相同的长度. Nevertheless, it's unfortunate that size 3 struts were discontinued. They allowed simple models to be built on a grander scale, 还有一些结构(如十个三角形棱镜的组合) Projects(见下文).

由于一种尺寸的支撑与下一种尺寸的支撑之间的长度之比对于所有类型的支撑都是相同的, a Zometool model can be scaled up (respectively, 通过将每个支柱替换为下一个更大的尺寸(分别, 小尺寸), provided that size strut exists.


  • 乔治•布什(George W. 哈特 是一位Math家/Art家创造了最辉煌和最多样化的Math雕塑吗. 哈特 works in a wide range of media, including Zometool. His name appears several times on this page.
  • Pentidisc 世界上最大的Zometool建筑是一个直径近6米的五边形“圆盘”, 覆盖着 准周期的瓷砖, and containing over 90,000 pArts. It was assembled during the 2013年桥 conference in Enschede, the Netherlands.
  • 克林纪念雕塑 集合在 2009年桥 班夫会议, 阿尔伯塔省, Canada by 150 mathematicians, Art家, 还有他们的孩子, the mathematical sculpture has over 50,000 pArts and is based on the "shadow" of a 6-dimensional cube. At the time, it was the world's largest Zometool construction. 附加的照片 are provided in Zometool的flickr流.
  • Zome-inspired雕塑 (pdf), by Paul Hildebrandt. 伦敦桥梁:Math、Art和音乐之间的联系, Reza Sarhangi and John Sharp (editors). (2006) 335-342.
  • Zometool sculpture at Denver Art Museum


  • 课程计划 (pdf)为小学至高中学生提供的Zometool实践活动, with connections to mathematics, Art, 科学, 和建筑. A hard copy of the 课程计划 may be purchased from the Zometool公司.
  • Zome几何: Hands-on Learning with Zome Models——乔治·W. 哈特和亨利·皮乔托. Key Curriculum Press, 2001. This paperback book is a wonderful resource for middle school, 高中, and college students and teachers. The book may be purchased from the Zometool公司. 注意:这本书的出版和附录是在Zometool公司开始销售0和00码struts以及停止销售3码struts之前编写的.
  • Zome车间 (pdf), by Paul Hildebrandt. 摘要:“本文概述了如何为学生举办一个ZomeWorkshops, 老师或家长. I’ll discuss the discovery learning philosophy, preparing for the workshop, 举办工作坊, Educators可获得的后续活动和额外资源.”


  • Zome的Math (pdf),汤姆戴维斯. One of the remarkable aspects of Zometool is that, as you're building with it, when you want to connect two nearby nodes with a strut, 通常这两个节点都有相同类型和方向的孔,并且有合适长度的支柱连接它们. In brief, things tend to work out. 戴维斯为这一现象提供了优美的Math基础.
  • Metazome, 作者:安德鲁·米哈尔, 马特Moskewicz, 于家村金, 将Plishker, Niraj沙, 斯科特Vorthmann, 和斯科特·韦伯. MetazomeWebsite通过使用Zometool构建大型节点和struts的元版本,从Math上证明了这一点, 一个人可以, 原则上, construct an enormous meta-version of any Zometool model. 也看到 Projects,低于.
  • 常规的多面体第三版.作者:H.S.M. Coxeter. 多佛,1973. Although written before Zometool was invented, 这个经典提供了Zometool-constructible正则多面体的Math背景.


  • 先进的建造中 An online addendum乔治·哈特, for the book Zome几何 (见上图).
    • Compound of Ten Triangular Prisms This may be the most challenging of 哈特's advanced constructions. 这无疑是我制作过的最具挑战性和最令人满意的Zometool模型. (See the photo to the right.)链接到哈特Website上的一个页面,他在那里概述了它的结构. Note that this model requires Y3 struts.
  • Metazome, 作者:安德鲁·米哈尔, 马特Moskewicz, 于家村金, 将Plishker, Niraj沙, 斯科特Vorthmann, 和斯科特·韦伯. Zometool节点具有某个多面体的形状(一个细长的 ) and this polyhedron can be built using Zometool. 将得到的Zometool模型看作是一个显著扩展的节点a meta-node. 缩放版本的Zometool struts也可以使用Zometool构建,给我们 meta-struts. The Metazome website shows how meta-nodes and meta-struts can, 原则上, 可以用来构建任何Zometool模型的庞大元版本. A Metazome project was the focus of the St. Bonaventure Zometool车间 & Geometric Barn Raising 2011. MetazomeProjects将是尺寸为3的struts的自然应用程序,但是正如在 Introduction the Zometool Company discontinued this size. 然而,任何尺寸为3的支柱都可以被连接到尺寸为1的支柱的尺寸为2的支柱所取代.
  • Zometool多面体乔治·哈特. 可以使用Zometool构建的一些多面体类型的列表. These polyhedra are discussed in 哈特 and Picciotto's book Zome几何 (见 Educators,上图).
  • ZomeProjects大卫·A. 里希特. 高级Projects的列表,其结构的不同数量的细节. 大多数Projects都是四维图形的三维投影.


  • vZome,斯科特·沃斯曼著. A program for building virtual Zome models. 没有保存文件功能的版本立即可用, and a fully capable version is available upon request, 都是免费的.
  • Zometool Shape Approximation  德国亚琛工业大学(RWTH Aachen University)的一个团队开发了一个程序,该程序采用数字3d模型,并生成该模型的数字Zometool表示. The digital Zometool representation, called a Zometool网,可用于构建模型的物理Zometool近似.


Workshops and "barn raisings"