St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

全球网赌十大网站、出版物 & 研究

    2022年1月31日| Dr. 杰米·斯蒂克·豪根, 辅导员教育助理教授, published an article with her colleagues titled "Framework of Anti-racist School Counseling Competencies: A Delphi Study" in the Journal of Counseling and Development.

    2022年1月31日| Dr. 雷内·豪泽, associate professor of inclusive special education and 教育学院临时院长, was selected as an expert in teacher education by study.网站的“请教专家”栏目.

    2022年1月18日| Dr. 雷内·豪泽 has been named 教育学院临时院长 at St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学.

    2021年12月14日|四街. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 students gave a presentation titled “Legacy of Healthy Athletes: Harmony of Mind, Body and Spirit” at the 83rd Annual Conference for the New York State Association for Health, 体育课, 娱乐 & 舞蹈(NYSAHPERD).

    12月07, 2021年|雪莉·林恩·沃斯, assistant professor and director of the B-12 Literacy program, was awarded the 2021-2022 William Eller Scholarship at the University at Buffalo in November 2021.

    2021年11月17日| Dr. 苏珊·布兰科, associate professor of counselor education, along with Dr. 尼古拉·米德和罗尼·怀特, co-vice presidents of the Association of Multicultural Counseling and Development's Native American Concerns Group, 11月11日在网上做了一次演讲. 5标题为“欣赏”, 适应, and Avoid Appropriation: Recommendations for Clinical Practice, 教学, 和研究."

    2021年11月17日| Dr. 盖伯瑞尔斯沃茨, assistant professor and chair of the adolescence 教育项目, co-authored an article for Education Sciences about implementing teacher education technology competencies (TETCs) into teacher preparation programs.

    11月05, 2021年|雪莉·沃斯, assistant professor and director of the MSED B-12 Literacy program, presented on the science of reading as it relates to early childhood literacy development at the Erie 2 Chautauqua-Cattaraugus BOCES Early Learning Forum held on Oct. 14.

    2021年10月25日| St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学 now offers an 18-credit minor in Leadership.

    2021年10月23日| Dr. 泰隆Bynoe, associate professor and director of the educational leadership program, 这三部作品是否正在等待出版. 他还发表了一篇论文, 几乎, 在日内瓦的一次会议上, 瑞士, and has accepted a scholarship to participate in a program in Louisiana.

    10月23日, 2021 | It was a busy October for the counselor 教育项目, with multiple faculty members presenting at national conferences and with national organizations.

    2021年10月23日| Dr. 苏珊·布兰科, 辅导员教育助理教授, along with Dr. 康妮T. Jones of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 发表了一篇名为《全球网赌十大网站》的文章, 土著, and People of Color Counselors: Considerations for Counselor Skills Training and Practice" in the October issue of the Journal of Mental Health Counseling

    2021年10月7日|博士. 凯瑟琳·J. 安德鲁斯, 儿童教育助理教授, 和凯瑟琳·孟德尔, LMSW, community schools resource coordinator for Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES, led a focus group with regional administrators and staff of elementary schools as part of a newly formed parent support & 教育项目.

    2021年10月7日|博士. 惠特尼·斯万(原名麦克劳克林), 辅导员教育助理教授 in the 教育学院, published an article in the Career Convergence magazine titled "Natural hair is good hair: The CROWN Act and ending hair discrimination in the workplace."

    2021年10月7日|博士. 苏珊·布兰科, 辅导员教育助理教授, provided a two-hour training titled "Knowing Your Why: Utilizing Your Passion in Counselor Education and Supervision" for the Minority Fellowship Program 2020 and 2021 doctoral fellows at the National Board of Certified Counselor Foundation's 2021 Bridging the Gap Symposium: Eliminating Mental Health Disparities.

    2021年10月7日|博士. 拉托亚皮尔斯, 教育学院临时院长, presented at the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) Global Accreditation Conference, 在九月的那一周举行. 27.

    2021年9月29日|博士. 雷内·豪泽, associate professor and director of the MSED in inclusive special 教育项目, presented two webinars on Universal Design for Learning with the New York State Council for Exceptional Children.

    2021年9月29日|博士. 惠特尼·麦克劳克林, 辅导员教育助理教授 in the 教育学院, presented at the 6th annual Black Mental Health Symposium, 在9月举行. 9 & 10.

    2021年9月14日|美国.S. 全球网赌十大网站 & World Report’s 2022 college rankings released Monday, St. Bonaventure is ranked among the nation’s best college values. SBU排名No. 5 on the list of Best Regional University 值 in the North, 从马里兰到缅因州的11个州.

    2021年9月9日|博士. 宝拉珍. 阿,Scraba.S.F., 体育副教授, will present at the annual conference of the New York State Association for Health, 体育课, 娱乐和舞蹈, 定于11月举行. 17-20 at Turning Stone Resort Casino in Verona, New York.