St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学




Journalism, Strategic Communication, Media Studies

  • 江铃汽车110. 专业写作I:风格
  • 江铃汽车399. 传播学研究方法
  • Ph.D., Media Research 和 Practice, University of Colorado Boulder
    • Dissertation title: Ask your Doctor about Chemical Imbalances: Mass-Communicating the Biomedical Model of Mental Illness through the Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors
  • M.F.A., Writing, The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • B.A., English 和 Creative Writing, Coe College
  • Graduate instructor, lecturer: University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO. College of Media, Communication 和 Information, Program for Writing 和 Rhetoric
  • Instructor, Community College of Denver, Denver, CO.
  • Instructor, Community College of Aurora, Aurora CO.
  • Instructor, University of Colorado at Denver, CU Succeed Program, Denver, CO.
  • Instructor, City Colleges of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
在我开始教学之前, 我是一名自由撰稿人, 市场营销助理, 以及专业的简历写手. 我也是一个诗人和艺术家. My collection of poetry 和 drawings, 精致的厌恶,于2018年出版. 
  • Schauster E.谭多克,E.费鲁奇,P. & 沃克,T.  广告 primed: How professional identity affects moral reasoning. 商业道德杂志. doi: 10.1007/s10551-020-04429-0
  • 沃克,T. & Gangadharbatla H. (2019). D广告: rise of involved fatherhood in contemporary American 广告. 广告 & 社会季刊(4).
  • Schauster E. E., 沃克,T. & 达菲,M. (2018). Exemplary codes of ethics: A rhetorical criticism of WPP. 广告 & 社会季刊(2), 10.1353 / asr.2018.0016.
  • Murnane E., 沃克,T.选B., Voida, S., & 斯奈德,J. (2018). Personal informatics in interpersonal contexts: Towards the design of technology that supports the social ecologies of long-term mental health management. 法庭程序 ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 2(CSCW), 1-27. doi: 10.1145/3274396. 
  • 马修斯,T., & 沃克,T. (2020). 土著代表 坚不可摧的吉米·施密特: Nepantla space in between “Jacqueline” 和 “Jackie Lynn.” Imagined Borders, Epistemic Freedoms Conference. 2020年1月8日至11日,科罗拉多州博尔德.
  • 沃克,T. (2018). Resisting stigma 和 evaluating realism in direct-to-consumer 广告 for psychiatric drugs. Association for Education in Journalism 和 Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, 科学交流, 健康, 环境 及风险(COMSHER)部. 8月6日至9日,华盛顿特区.
  • Schauster E.谭多克,E.费鲁奇,P. & 沃克,T. (2018) 广告 primed: How professional identity affects moral reasoning. American Academy of 广告 (AAA) Conference, March 22-25, New York.
  • 沃克,T. & Schauster E. (2017) 直接面向消费者 广告, vulnerability 和 the ethics of care. Association for Education in Journalism 和 Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, 广告部门. 8月9日至12日,芝加哥.
  • 沃克,T. (2017) Care makes a man stronger: A feminist rhetorical criticism of advertisements from the Dove Men + Care campaign. International Communication Association Conference, Feminist Scholarship Division. 5月25日至29日,圣地亚哥.
  • Schauster E., 沃克,T. & 达菲,M. (2016). Moral exemplars in 广告: A rhetorical criticism of WPP codes. Association for Education in Journalism 和 Mass Communication (AEJMC) Conference, 媒体操守科, 8月4 - 7, 明尼阿波里斯市.  
  • Recognition of Contribution to Diversity 和 包容, 伊丽莎白·莫纳恩, 贝克鲤鱼, Stephen Voida 和 Jaime Snyder for “Personal Informatics in Interpersonal Contexts: Towards the Design of Technology that Supports the Social Ecologies of Long-Term Mental 健康 Management,” CSCW, 2018.
  • 最佳论文荣誉奖, 伊丽莎白·莫纳恩, 贝克鲤鱼, Stephen Voida 和 Jaime Snyder for “Personal Informatics in Interpersonal Contexts: Towards the Design of Technology that Supports the Social Ecologies of Long-Term Mental 健康 Management,” CSCW, 2018.
  • American Academy of 广告 Research Fellowship, “Dad-vertising 和 Changing Gender Roles in Ads: A Multimethod Research Study,和Harsha Gangadharbatla一起, 2018.
  • 专业相关性奖 with Erin Schauster 和 Margaret Duffy, for “Moral Exemplars in 广告: A Rhetorical Criticism of WPP Codes,传媒操守科, AEJMC, 2016
My teaching philosophy is based on three tenets: It’s not about me, It is about me, 和 It’s about them

这与我无关。 教学是一项服务工作. It’s about forgetting yourself for that hour or so that you’re in front of the class. 你有话要说, a finite amount of time to get the job done, 你必须把自我放在一边.

它是关于我的: By that, I mean that if I’m teaching a class 和 I’m bored, I can guarantee that the class is also bored. 相比之下, if I show enthusiasm 和 passion for what I’m teaching, the students are more likely to pick up on that enthusiasm. I strongly believe in including puns 和 dad jokes in my power point slides 和 I am likely to use ridiculous but memorable examples in class. By keeping the class interesting for myself, I can often keep it interesting for my students. 

最重要的是, 是关于他们的班级不应该这样 be about me trying to “get through” the material, it should be about the students. I want to help students take ownership of the course material. Even interesting information can shrivel 和 die on power point slides, but it can come alive in discussion, especially discussions that students lead.

One of the most rewarding parts of teaching is the opportunity (和 obligation) to keep learning. Part of the job is admitting what we don’t know in order to acknowledge the importance 不断学习.
I love being a media/communication scholar because it allows me to be interested in everything! 然而, my main focus is the role of mass communication messages in shaping 和 reinforcing dominant paradigms regarding mental health. 直接面向消费者 广告, public health campaigns 和 news coverage all have implications for the transformation or continuation of stigma 和 associated social inequalities.

Additionally, I’m interested in the ethical implications of smartphone technology 追踪心理健康, 和 gender/race/class representations in 广告 和 entertainment media.

我有很多其他的兴趣, including but not limited to drawing, 绘画, bird-和-insect-watching(是的, nerd-alert), 徒步旅行, 和 treasure-hunting at thrift stores 和 flea markets.